Are you Ready for a night out?

Has is been a while since you had a date night? Maybe a break from parenting to get caught up with things around they house or take some time for self care? Are your kids faces stuck to screens all the time?

EVERY 2nd Saturday of the Month!

From 5-9pm!

We’ll feed them and tire them out. Plus, you get 4 hours to go out and have a good time!

Bonus, If you have a friend that isn’t a member of Poconos Best yet they can send their kids for free with yours!

(Because dinner is always better with friends! ;) )

* * Non Members are always welcome to join us* *

So you can have a guilt free Saturday Night off!

Why? Because YOU are important too!

So let our AMAZING Coaches take over for an evening!

All of this is just $35 per kid

Use code BOGO35 if you are bringing a friend (non-member)

Click the Pictures Below and Reserve your spots! Space is Limited!

February 12th

March 12th

April 9th

May 14th

June 11th

July 9th

August 13th

September 10th

October 8th

November 12th

December 10th